Our Mission Is to Help Your Mission

We help mission-driven organizations with WordPress strategy and solutions for your digital properties – enabling you to concentrate on what you do best!

Fast, secure, reliable WordPress & WooCommerce powered web properties.

If your WordPress website or WooCommerce shop is a core part of your organisation – your web stack shouldn’t be an afterthought.

Yet so many organizations with annual revenue in the $500k to $50m range don’t have basic-level backup systems or security measures in place.

At Seguru, we work with mission-driven organizations to focus on true premium managed hosting solutions, including performance, rock-solid security, resiliency, multi-tiered backups and business continuity.

Level up your WordPress site

Right now, there are three main issues threatening your online success – and you may not even realize:


Is your site loading in less than 2 seconds?

47% of customers expect a site to load in 2 seconds and 40% will abandon a website if it takes more than than 3 seconds to load.

If your website is slow, your users will simply leave and find your competitors. Not to mention potential SEO impact.

At Seguru, our optimised tech stack allows us to optimise our clients’ sites to achieve sub-2-second load times in the majority of cases.


How many users are you unknowingly losing?

An optimised website will outperform, outrank and outlast its competitors.

Here’s the thing, if an ecommerce site is making $100,000 a day, a one-second page delay could potentially cost $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

A high-performing website means fewer abandoned carts, faster page response times, better search engine rankings, more traffic, increased sales, repeat business, and happy users.


If your website goes down, will it affect your mission?

Daily we repel between 100-300 security hacking attempts on our client’s websites - and as many as 40,000 attempts in an hour when bot brute force is involved.

At Seguru, we offer rock-solid security and we’re constantly monitoring our client’s web properties to keep them as safe and secure as possible.

We also cater to clients needing greater security hardening, backup requirements, resiliency, or data storage requirements (HIPAA, data sovereignty (Australia & USA) etc.) 

We’re Focused on Your Success

We exist to make your WordPress-powered web properties perform at their best. Working closely with specialist agencies, consultants and internal teams to deliver the best outcomes for you, the client.

Our Solutions Include:

  • Strategic consulting and solutions for WordPress & WooCommerce, plus headless BigCommerce & Shopify for WordPress
  • Managed premium WordPress hosting with the fastest servers and tech stacks available
  • Optimization for onsite performance from our WordPress and WooCommerce gurus
  • Data storage in multiple locations with multi-tiered backups
  • Rock-solid security with DDoS mitigation, firewalls and hardened servers with Fail2Ban, malware detection and AV
  • Specialized WordPress Development to support complex integrations and custom solutions

Your WordPress growth partners!

Not your average web solutions company

Seguru was born out of our founders’ frustrations with the current premium WordPress hosting options not providing the promised performance or value for their premium prices.

Our mission is to support your growth online by providing class-leading WordPress solutions including strategy, consulting and hosting. From thousands of visitors a month to millions, our team have the experience to ensure your website will grow and scale in line with your brand or organisation.

Get In Touch for a Discovery Call and Custom Quote

Finding out about your site’s needs, current performance, business growth goals and more, allows us to quote based on what you actually need. From server capacity to support requirements, security policies to backup and resiliency levels.